Erörterungstermin Bohunice am 25.11.2015 in München
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flexRisk Quellterm-Karte Strahlenbelastung von Kind in Deutschland
Stellungnahme Brigitte Artmann
Stellungnahme Jan Haverkamp für Greenpeace Austria
Stellungnahme Österreichische Bundesländer
Stellungnahme Brigitte Artmann vom 10.10.2015
(in englischer und deutscher Sprache)
Object: Submission Environmental Impact Assessment Jaslovské Bohunice / Slowakia
Dear RNDr. Gabriel Nižňanský,
dear Dr. Palm,
dear Mr Heierth,
as already demanded in the scoping procedure, I demand a legal binding hearing in Germany, easy to reach for the German public concerned. By refusing this, Aarhus 3.9, Espoo 2.6. and the EIA
Directive was violated, by not given a written answer that no hearing in Germany will take place, Aarhus 4.7 (... a refusal shall be in writing...) was violated, by not taking this submission
into account,.....